TCS’s Science to Software transformation program

By admin, November 27, 2006 10:41 pm

On the heals of the recent announcement of Wipro during thier earnings call to open up to pure science graduates, we now have TCS with a program titled 'science-to-software' transformation program.

Manpower/Talent shortage is the primary reason for this activity, we have had many posts on this topic and there have been many analyst reports on the same, this expansion gives the IT players and enlarged pool of suitable talent.

TCS science-to-software program is designed to be a hi-tech, hi-touch learning module that aims to transform B.Sc./BCA degree holders into best-in-class IT professionals.

Explaining the significance of the initiative, S. Ramadorai, CEO & Managing Director said: "TCS' ability to partner with engineering colleges has been successful in developing a good talent pool. Now, is the time to take this further by encouraging the vast pool of young science graduates to be a part of this global growth story." Mr Ramadorai added: "I believe that this initiative is an innovative solution to broaden the future talent base in the country in a way that can be scaled up as required."

"Good science graduates have attributes like logic and reasoning that are important in the technology services industry. We believe that our transformation program is the way forward to help induct graduates with varied academic backgrounds into the IT industry," added S. Padmanabhan, Global Head - Human Resources.

Details about the program:

  • intensive 7-month residential transformation program
  • curriculum will include formal lectures, projects and assignments, quizzes and interactive sessions.
  • courses in the principles of software development and IT, develop an understanding of core technologies underlying IT systems as well services like package implementation as well as new technologies like Java, .Net as well as TCS' proprietary tools, frameworks and quality processes.
  • Complemented by soft-skill development in presentation, communication, teamwork and leadership skills as well as work-life balance activities like musical appreciation to help develop professionals with a global mind-set at the end of the talent transformation program.

Source: 1

Prashanth Rai

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