IT getting a bigger slice of the pie in 2011
We've been hearing for the past year or so how corporate coffers have been swelling even as budgets have been cut and headcount shrinking as business leaders deal with the continuing economic uncertainty by stocking up their piggy banks. But either CIOs have been able to successfully make the case that their operations are ready to come down around their ears or there is a little bit more confidence in the market this coming year, because a recent survey finds 77% of IT decision makers reporting their expect their budgets to rise an average of 8% for fiscal year 2011.
Spending is expected to be a blend of old a new; software upgrades that have been delayed are prominently mentioned, but then so to are tablet implementations. And, joy to my heart, enterprise IT is finally getting behind the fragile support concept by allowing employees to choose their own mobile solutions rather than attempting to impose top-down phone choices. Clearly, at least some innovation in IT organization and strategy has been pushed into the wild by user demand and tight budgets.