Apple getting enterprise traction whether it wants to or not

By admin, October 20, 2010 11:43 am

Apple has never gone out of its way to appeal to enterprise IT departments and hasn't significantly changed that stance despite offering a few crumbs out in the way of appeasing security and integration concerns around the dominant Exchange e-mail system. But the secondary strategy Apple is using for corporate penetration is going like gangbusters if the "Apple in the Enterprise" presentation at the Gartner Symposium in Orlando is any indication.

The full title is "Apple in the Enterprise: Do the costs justify the value?" which is of course a question that can only be answered on a case by case basis. But the undercurrent may be that the cost/value judgement isn't going to be made by IT managers or CIOs, but by users, who may insist on their iPads and MacBooks becoming part of the enterprise portfolio regardless whatever careful ROI calculations the CIO may have made.

One Response to “Apple getting enterprise traction whether it wants to or not”

  1. Josie says:

    Another good post….will be back for more!

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