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I include this link not so much because it's really pertinent to the average CIO or IT manager, but more just because it's kind of cool: now, just like in the movies, you can electronically...
Hot times for the Sun Devils Title: Hot times for the Sun Devils
Ben Worthen's Wall Street Journal article on Arizona State University's recently completed ERP implementation project has resulted in quite a little mini-firestorm of debate over the relative...
SOA meets... paper! Title: SOA meets... paper!
Sometimes the easiest way to describe something to non-technical people is to leave the technical bits out of your description and just talk about the functionality. I personally feel this way about...
The Grid Title: The Grid
This isn't really the point of his article, but I have to both say that I am jealous, and to point you to Dan Farber's tantalizing glimpse of Nick Carr's upcoming book. Oh, yeah, 3Tera...
Microsoft document management options Title: Microsoft document management options
If you are standardized on Microsoft (and who isn't?) and have not been satisfied by Sharepoint server as a web-based document management solution (and who has?), then you may be gratified to...
Selling SOA to the business Title: Selling SOA to the business
Mike Kavis at ITToolbox has a good article up on his approach to "selling" SOA approaches to executives. As you might expect if you have ever done any of this sort of lobbying, it revolves...
IT Pay unsatisfactory to most Title: IT Pay unsatisfactory to most
Network World has published their 2007 IT salary survey and revealed that most of us aren't really happy with what we are making on the job these days. I am a bit curious as to whether or not...
More on the SMB SaaS front Title: More on the SMB SaaS front
Longjump, this time, with a free trial period going through the end of the year. No word on pricing-looks like they are hoping to hook you and then spring the bad news after you're already into...
IT and business process management Title: IT and business process management
Just wanted to throw up a quick link to Nick Malik's recent post on MSDN on the benefits and pitfalls of IT involvement in business process management functions. I think he's dead-on in his...
Guerilla SOA Title: Guerilla SOA
So we have seen advice recently on conducting a revolution over the IT department, and now we're getting advised on how to conduct guerilla SOA operations. It's a wild IT world out there, I...
Execution is where it's at Title: Execution is where it's at
And I have to admit I was hoping for more detail on that most important of matters when I started in on this CIO magazine article on the pitfalls of making strategy stick. But it's worth a quick...
Office 2009 on the way Title: Office 2009 on the way
Information Week, among other sources, is reporting that the next version of Microsoft Office is due out in 2009. With no official word yet from Microsoft, you have to wonder why they would be...
Viva la Revolution! Title: Viva la Revolution!
So what about the folks on the other side of the wire from you, the CIO, and your loyal army of IT staff? How do they feel about all this stuff that we are talking about all the time,......
SAP rolls out mid-market SaaS solution Title: SAP rolls out mid-market SaaS solution
I'm ashamed to say I don't have any good coverage myself on SAP's new mid-market SaaS solution Business ByDesign, but I am happy to instead point you toward Michael Krigsman's concise...
Yahoo/Zimbra versus Exchange Title: Yahoo/Zimbra versus Exchange
Phil Wainewright today posts a much more articulate argument than mine why Yahoo's acquisition of Zimbra might indicate a move more oriented at assaulting Microsoft's Exchange bastion than...
Uncertainty or optimism in the IT world? Title: Uncertainty or optimism in the IT world?
It seemed like just the other day I was hearing about how the IT hiring outlook was improving and that CIOs were planning on bringing in more staff and opening up the checkbooks in Q4 of 2007. So...
No, that's "Zimbra" Title: No, that's "Zimbra"
Zimbra, darling of the Web 2.0 collaboration suites, is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Yahoo. It was probably just a matter of time until the company was snapped up by a larger fish; previous...
No, that's "eXpresso" Title: No, that's "eXpresso"
eXpresso Online Spreadsheet Manager for Excel, that is. eXpresso is delivering a Software as a Service offering which promises to ease collaboration issues with Excel spreadsheets, a problem of...
Microsoft loses EU anti-trust case Title: Microsoft loses EU anti-trust case
It's official-the European Union has rejected Microsoft's appeal of the 2004 anti-trust decision against the company, sustaining the $600 million fine originally levied as well as a number of...
Microsoft: Soft and cuddly now? Title: Microsoft: Soft and cuddly now?
Well, maybe not exactly. But neither the Evil Empire of yore, according to this recent post from Mary Jo Foley. Writing in response to the upcoming resolution of Microsoft's appeal of the...
Who has the keys to your system? Title: Who has the keys to your system?
According to yesterday's Windows Secrets post, looks like it's probably Microsoft. You may have known or assumed that already, of course; it's not the first time Windows has been caught...
A tale of two cables Title: A tale of two cables
Chris Anderson has come up with an interesting, and some might say more practical, solution to some of the issues he originally identified in his controversial "Who Needs a CIO?" article...
Bridge over Servica Oriented Architecture Waters Title: Bridge over Servica Oriented Architecture Waters
I just noticed that this blog didn't have an SOA category-serious problem in today's enterprise IT environment. So I added one and will be christening it with this post (also changed...
More reaction on the Google/Capgemini deal Title: More reaction on the Google/Capgemini deal
Other bloggers have been doing the math of the Google/Capgemini deal around Google Apps Premier Edition support, and I don't think any of them quite have my take on it, but the reactions seem...
Is it "support" for Google Apps, or easy money for Capgemini? Title: Is it "support" for Google Apps, or easy money for Capgemini?
I'm left slightly unsure what you really get from Capgemini's new offer to provide support for Google Apps. What is Capgem offering that Google's Enterprise Premier support tier...
More sidebar decoration Title: More sidebar decoration
So, after some review I have kept a few items from the previous tenant and added a few new ones to my own taste. I imagine it will be a work in progress, though, so please keep getting me......
Linux consideration down Title: Linux consideration down
On the face of things, the fact that fewer CIOs are considering Linux these days isn't terribly surprising to me at this point. It seems to me that if the OS wars aren't over (of course they...
Serena's Vail Title: Serena's Vail
I had an opportunity to take a look at Vail, Serena Software's new enterprise-grade mashup platform, on Friday, and indeed it does work. I happened to come across their page on the site for the...
Sidebar decorations Title: Sidebar decorations
So I still have most of the previous tenant's links and recommendations over in the sidebar. I don't want to empty it out, and intend no disrespect to those choices and recommendations, but...
Sponsored Post: TechSmith and SnagIt Blogging-output Accessories Title: Sponsored Post: TechSmith and SnagIt Blogging-output Accessories
TechSmith's SnagIt - the world's most popular screen capture software- allow users to capture, edit and share any image, including scrolling windows, objects, menus, video, text, and Web...
Who is afraid of the big, bad SaaS? Title: Who is afraid of the big, bad SaaS?
As an aside... does anyone actually use the term "ASP" anymore? I don't really care, SaaS, ASP, it's all the same to me, but I think the blog categories should probably be...
New landlord Title: New landlord
Hello, my name is Scott Wilson and I will be writing for the CIO Weblog starting today. Although I am not a CIO, I am the owner and principal consultant at Indigo Moon Systems Consulting, based out of...
New CIO Coming Your Way! Title: New CIO Coming Your Way!
Yippy! We have a new blogger for our CIO Weblog. Look out for him to stop by here very soon. Thank you to all the applicants. As usual, we had some talented folks apply and it was not an easy......